Business Field

Hotel Supply

For guests, hotel furniture and amenities are essential for a comfortable hotel life. By collaborating with specialized manufacturers both domestically and internationally, HMI pursues superior design and quality, and takes advantage of the cost advantages of bulk orders to supply hotels.

Building Facility Management

Maintaining safe and comfortable building facilities is extremely important for hotels and inns. At HMI, our experienced technicians regularly carry out maintenance and repairs to ensure the safety and management of hotel facilities.

Real Estate Development

Based on half a century of achievements and experience, we have developed a wide range of businesses with the theme of "creating a rich environment suitable for modern times." We strive to develop the region through building design and development, hotels, inns, resorts, and leisure businesses, and strive to fulfill our mission as a comprehensive developer.

Transportation Infracture

We plan and develop tourism-related infrastructure projects, as well as transportation infrastructure projects for railways, airports, airlines, cruise ships, ports, and buses and taxis.